The Milky Way to Beauty

For years, goats milk has been a staple in most culture. Nutrinionally it is superior to cows milk because it contains more nutrients, vitamins, proteins and minerals. Its fat globules are smaller than those of cow's milk, makng its absorption in the skin and digestive system faster and easier.

Scientists are learning that these remedies have a solid basis in scientific fact. Cosmetic chemists call goat's milk nature's liposomes because it is so easily absorbed into the skin, bringing with it moisture and restorative proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Goat's milk also contains over 50 nutrients, including the vital vitamins of A, C and B-complex, minerals and other elements that nourish and rejuvenate dehydrated skin. Vitamin A slows down the effects of aging, as well as prevents age spots and thickening of the skin. Zinc contributes to the reconstruction of collagen fibres, encouraging moisture retention and maintaining the skin's elasticity/ Riboflavin or Vitamin B-2 is another anti-oxidant and is essential for healthy skin, nails, hair and general good health.

Alpha-Hydroxy acid(AHA) naturally exfoliate skin. Goat's milk has AHA components that contribute to the micro-peeling process, gentry scrubbing off dead skin cells. Goat's milk helps nourish the newly-grown skin and may encourage the production of elastin. New skin emerges smooth, healthy and younger looking.

Now you can enjoy all these benefits in a goat's milk, bath daily with goats milk cream bar because it will help rejuvenate your skin naturally.

Jerome is an author of different websites. He conducts research in technology, auctions, health and more and put it into an interesting article. He is an avid reader and during his spare time, he watches tv and enjoys the normal life.

For your health concerns, visit

Professional Tips For An Instant Makeover

If you want to improve and enhance your appearance but don't want to wait till you lose weight, go through and recover from plastic surgery, or have enough money to buy a complete new wardrobe then try these five simple quick techniques that are used by the top professionals in the beauty and image industries to perform amazing makeovers.

1. Change your hair color - One of the most effective ways to change and improve your personal appearance is to change your hair color. You don't even have to drastically change the color. By just changing the color one or two shade or with strategically placed highlights you can make an incredible difference.

2. Shape and groom your eyebrows - Celebrity makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin used to say The perfectly groomed brow can change the face and he was correct properly shaped and groomed eyebrows can visually change your face shape and instantly give you a non surgical eye lift.

3. Only wear clothes that fit properly - When your wear clothes that properly fit your body you will instantly appear pounds thinner. You should avoid clothes that cling, are so tight that they create bulges and bumps or clothes that are so large they hang off your body and balloon out. Select clothes that are slightly tailored and gently skim your body.

4. Wear colors that flatter you - Wearing colors that flatter you especially near your face such as blouses, jackets and accessories will immediately make your complexion appear brighter and healthier, add a sparkle to your eyes and put a smile on your face.

5. Use good posture - Utilizing good posture will instantly make you look thinner, taller, and younger and allows you to project a better physique without having to actually change your body. To see for yourself the power of good posture stand sideways in front of a full length mirror has you usually do, now head up, neck straight, shoulders straight, tummy in, spine straight and WOW what a difference!

Eileen Hammel President of Smarter Image, and Smart Skin Care - Smart Cosmetics by Smarter Image is a Nationally & Internationally Recognized Beauty and Image Expert.

Is Hair Sugaring An Effective Way To Remove Body Hair?

Hair sugaring is a process that can be used quite beneficially for hair removal. If you are someone that has used waxing in the past, consider sugaring. In the process, the wax is replaced with a sugar and honey mixture. It is sticky and works very much like that of waxing. And, it can produce the same results. But, it is organic in nature and it has the ability to give you an easier clean up too. Sugaring is a process of extracting hair from the follicle.

Although hair sugaring is a messy process the results of doing it can last upwards of two to six weeks. You can use it throughout the body since it is a natural product and see results. Many individuals find it most beneficial to the bikini line as well as to the upper lip. When the hair is removed, it will grow back. But, many people have found that it will grow back at a much lighter and finer way and it is like that it will not be nearly as thick either.

What To Use

You can actually use a homemade solution of hair sugaring and get great results. Here?s what you should use:

- One Cup Sugar

- Juice from half of a lemon

- One fourth cup of honey

Mix these well and then microwave on high for about two to three minutes. You are looking for a smooth consistency. Leave the bowl standing for several minutes to cool to a safe temperature.

Now, you will need to get some white cotton cloth in strips (or use store bought waxing papers) as well as wooden tongue depressors to apply the mixture. Here?s what to do:

- Clean skin and make sure that it is completely dry. No soap or body lotions should be used in the area.

- Apply cornstarch to the area. This will draw out the oils that are within your skin making the procedure work even better.

- Use the tongue depressor to apply a thin layer of the mixture over the area that you will want the hair removed from.

- Cover the area with a cloth strip. Rub the strip so that it is firmly in place. Do this with moderate pressure and in the opposite direction of the hairs growth.

- Grab the end of the strip and pull it back quickly in the opposite direction of the hair?s growth.

- Wash the area with water to remove the sugary mixture.

Like waxing, the area may be sensitive and red for a few minutes but this is a temporary situation. You will find it to be one that you can deal with if you want great looking hair removal at a very low cost. Hair sugaring is a procedure that can be done within a few minutes and can be repeated as necessary.

As a beauty consultant Nicola is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for resources, views and information about hair removal using epilators.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Want Healthy Glowing Skin?

Are you struggling with skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis etc.? Various factors such as toxins, vitamin, mineral, protein deficiencies, long-term exposure to sun light, dehydration etc. might be the cause of your skins unhealthy state. Would you like to have beautiful glowing skin again? Luckily there are several options that can help you restore your skins healthy glow.

Stay hydrated- drink 8-12 glasses of water a day.

Avoid direct sun light- by wearing protective clothing, staying on the shade and applying sunscreen daily.

Avoid or limit your toxins intake this includes alcohol, coffee, spicy food, drugs, limit sugar intake etc.

Get rid off dead skin cells; exfoliate regularly at least once a week.

Maintain a cleansing routine- remove makeup daily (do not wash more than two times a day), and get a facial every 7-10 days.

Exercise regularly, to reduce stress and brings more oxygen to your skin resulting in firmer and nourished skin.

Maintain a healthy diet, eat foods rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B this include fruits, vegetables, fish, liver. Take supplements if necessary.

About The Author

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics.

Abdominoplasty Recovery Time

Much like Christmas presents, people want to show off their new bodies immediately after cosmetic surgery. This brings us to the issue of abdominoplasty recovery time.

An abdominoplasty is a very common procedure in the field of plastic surgery. The procedure is popular because few, if any, of us can avoid a growing waist line as the years pass. Yes, we should be regularly exercising and dieting, but life has a way of getting in the way.

An abdominoplasty is designed to directly address the problem of the expanding waist. Although there are variations of the procedure, the essential idea is to remove excess fat and skin in the lower abdomen area. The surgery is very invasive in that large openings are made in the skin. The procedure takes place most often in a hospital and is performed under general anesthesia.

Abdominoplasty recovery time is a touchy subject for a very particular reason. By definition, the abdominoplasty is causing trauma to the abdominal area. This is, of course, the area of the body where you twist and bend, a fact that impacts recovery time more than most people expect.

In general, you can expect to be more or less incapacitated for up to two weeks. You will be home during this period, but expect soreness, lethargy and swelling to keep you in bed most of the time. After roughly two to four weeks, you should be able to return to work. After a month to six weeks, vigorous activity can usually be undertaken without restriction, but you should consult with your plastic surgeon regarding your specific situation.

As an aside, some people include scar healing as part of the determination of abdominoplasty recovery time. Your scar should heal fairly quickly, but it will take a much longer period of time before it smoothes out and fades. In this case, we are talking about three months of recovery time. In fact, it may take the scar up to two years to reach its final appearance.

Abdominoplasty recovery time is often a surprising subject for many patients. Your abdominal trunk is a key part of your body, so you just have to show patience.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons.

Reducing the Appearance of Wrinkles

Wrinkles. One of the most dreaded words in the dictionary. At the first sign of a wrinkle, our reaction is pretty much universal. Horror! After we calm down, we begin to wonder just what we can do to eliminate this much dreaded effect of aging and how do we keep other newer and deeper wrinkles from following. If we already find ourselves with wrinkle mania in full bloom, we look for solutions to turn back the hands of time and restore our skin to its once youthful state. Fortunately, there are options available to us to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Let's take a moment to discover what causes these wrinkles. First and foremost, aging. As we grow older our skin naturally looses collagen and eslastin that help to keep our skin firm and taunt. Also, our skin cell reproduction slows down and the rejuvenating effect that new skin cells have on our skin?s appearance diminishes. These types of wrinkles are known as intrinsic, they cannot be avoided. It is Mother Nature at her best (or worst!). Other factors, like the environment and sun damage, can also cause skin to wrinkle. Smoking also causes the skin to produce less collagen, inevitably leading to an increase in wrinkles. These types of wrinkles are called extrinsic. They are life style choices that are, for the most part, under our control. These extrinsic influences are the leading cause of pre-mature aging patterns in our skin. Now that we know why we have wrinkles let?s talk about how to reduce them.

One of the more popular ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles is plastic surgery. Not only are face-lifts an option but also there are now less invasive procedures, like chemical peels, laser treatments, and collagen injections. The number one procedure for reducing wrinkles used today by women of every walk of life is Botox? injections. Botox? works by relaxing the injected muscle and allowing those awful furrow lines and other deep wrinkles to all but disappear. This is temporary, though, and has to be repeated every few months.

Coblation is also an option for reducing wrinkles. Less invasive than surgery, radio waves are used to remove the top layer of the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. Although this procedure does leave you with newer, younger looking skin, it is not as effective as laser treatments. It is safer, though, and the healing process is considerably shorter since the radio waves do not go as deeply into the lower layers of skin.

Although all of the above mentioned remedies are good options, they are also expensive. There are a large variety of wrinkle reducing creams on the market today that contain ingredients like Retinal. These will help to firm your skin and lessen the look of fine lines, but not necessarily the deeper set wrinkles.

Brian Fong

There are options available to us to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

8 Free Tips: The Truth About Handcare

Look at your hands now and tell yourself what you see?


Beautifull and gorgeous hands are so important.

Hands tells everything about yourself, how you live your life and love your body.


They say that hands give a woman's age away, well so what!

But gorgeous hands are the carriers of your personality, no matter in what situation and age?you are.


You?wear fancy designer clothes, imagine the negative effects if you combine these fancy clothes with abbandonded hands.


Look around you and see how hands are the centre of communication.

At a party, or even a job interview, your hands are your business card.


Your hands are the ultimate tool invented ever, but you don?t realize how importants these tools are. You just use them all day;

Shaking hands, cooking, doing your hair, feel, touch, work, write.

Endless, think about this for a second.

And decide now, no matter what your age is, to treat them as your treassure.



  • The skin of the hand is so thin, protect the skin.
  • Pamper your hands with your personal handlotion, 4 times a day.
  • Exfoliate once a week with a face exfoliater.
  • Use once a week your face nightcream also on your hands before you go to sleep.
  • Get accustomed to using rubber gloves whenever you do housework.
  • Prevent your hands from aging or abusing.
  • Protect your hands from dry weather as well as protecing them from the sun.
  • Use daily a protective barrier.



With other words:


The best way to take care of your hands is to protect them.



Ines van den Born is a registered nurse in Europe. She is also International Sales and Marketing manager Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices.

Ines van den Born

Italian Leather Gloves, your second skin.

Herbal Skin Care Products Do They Work?

The cosmetics counter at your local department store probably stores several different types of herbal skin care products. These herbal products promise to do wonders for your body, depending on what you use, how you use it, as well as your body?s current condition. What should you look for in the herbal products that you purchase? Here are a couple of products that are highly recommended even by some dermatologists.

Cetaphil Cleanser: This is a product made up of natural oils that will help to clean your skin without the harmful reactions and conditions from chemical soaps. The ingredients are pure and your body?s natural oils will not be removed. So, your skin will not get dried out.

Face Toner: This product is designed to hydrate the skin. It has the Sea Buckthorn compound in it which helps to rejuvenate the skin cells. Also, there is Dead Sea Salt in the compound as well. This gives it an extra feature. It can not only wipe away the dull look of a winter face but it works as an anti aging product as well.

Zia Natural Skincare, Gel: This product gets good reviews from users. But, it is recommended for those with an oily skin. It is a lightweight substance that has minimal oil in it. It will hold moisture in your skin without adding to the oils that you are already battling. It contains gotu kola, horsetail extract as well as algae. Its ability to balance the skin and to soothe it from blemishes is excellent.

In order for any herbal skin care product to work, it needs to contain 100% natural products. Natural products work well in your body simply because your body is a lot more accepting of these rather than chemical products. But, with all of the many benefits available to you in herbal skin care products, your search for quality skin care is over.

Mike Singh is the publisher of On his website he provides articles about types of acne and get rid of acne scars.

Low Cost Dental Implants

Dental implants are a revolutionary development in terms of dental technology and are giving more and more people a reason to smile! Unfortunately due to the high cost of dental implants, they are still not accessible to many who could benefit tremendously from them. From the time dental implant surgery is undertaken until its final restoration is a period of three months to a year. The patient is billed according to how many implants are put into his/her mouth and the kind of restoration that is done at the end. Depending on the patient, the fees can run anywhere from $1,000 to as much as $25,000.

The most readily undertaken dental implant surgery ranges from $850 to $3,500. A single implant will cost a patient less money than a need for many. To give an example, the replacement of one tooth by way of a dental implant costs approximately the same as a dental bridge does. Patients who require bone grafting will pay more than those who do not. The prices for dental implants vary greatly from country to country (and sometimes from dentist to dentist). For these reasons it is essential for a patient to do his or her research before committing to a particular dental procedure.

Some insurance plans cover part of dental implants but not all, while other companies class the surgery as strictly cosmetic and do not cover the procedure at all. There are many people who have no insurance coverage whatsoever. For all of the above reasons, many individuals seek low cost dental implants but don?t want to sacrifice good work for cheaper prices.

One option is to find out whether or not payment plans are available with the dentists in your local area. Often this is the case as many dentists realize that why most people value their teeth, it is often not their number one priority. Payment plans can offer flexibility to those who need it most. Most will offer a monthly plan but if you preferred to pay bi-weekly this could probably be worked out as well. Check into this before making a final decision.

If low cost dental implants are something you seek then the best place to look is at one of the many dental clinics scattered throughout the country. These charitable dental clinics are staffed by students in their latter stages of training to be qualified dentists, and they are both assisted and supervised in their work by professional and experienced dentists. They offer their dental services based on how much money a patient earns on a yearly basis. However many of these clinics have long waiting lists due to the modest fees they charged their patients. As well, many of these charitable clinics are only open on specific days (for example Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and may not have evening or weekend hours. Many of these dental clinics do not provide emergency care and only accept patients from the local community and not from afar. While many of these charitable clinics do routine dental work such as cleanings, fillings, dentures, partials and extractions, some may or may not offer dental implants as a procedure. However there are some that offer this service so take the time to find out.

Many people travel outside of the United States in order to find low cost dental implants. However the extra cost for travel and miscellaneous expenses may or not be something many people can undertake. Still others decide to forego conventional dental implants and instead opt for single day implants (or a procedure known as denture stabilization). These mini-implants can be placed in the mouth at a fraction of the cost of more traditional ones and take only a few short hours to complete. Denture stabilization (as the name implies) serves to ?stabilize? a denture or other prosthetic device in order to effectively have it stay in the place it is meant to stay in.

Stephanie Dilson is a Dental Surgeon and in her spare time runs an informational site on Dental Implants for all those interested in the process to find out valuable information on the cost, benefits, risks and features of this increasingly popular procedure. For more information see

Lady Godiva Hair

I love long hair! Especially mine.

Yes, I live in a hot coastal town with 95% humidity and 95 degrees all summer long. So what? I refuse to cut my gorgeous hair for 3 months out of the year. That just doesn?t make sense. I can?t grow it back in the remaining 9 months, not to past my waist where it belongs. Sorry.

Yes, I have friends, both male and female who seasonally crop their beautiful locks to get their hair off their shoulders and necks for the summer. I hate that. Have they no sense of esthetics? What is wrong with putting it up for a couple of months? I ask you!

But no, they have to go and cut it. I don?t even let my friends say the words, ?cut? and ?hair? in the same sentence around me. I don?t. Ask them. We trim our hair. We do not cut it. That goes double for my boyfriend. I don?t look twice at these guys whose hair doesn?t even extend below their earlobes. What fun is that?

My sweetheart has the most beautiful waist-length blonde hair on the planet. I can tolerate the fact that he puts it in a ponytail for work. Can?t have those suits getting all annoyed that their programmer fellah ain?t dressed right, now can we?

The minute he hits the door, though, I want those silky tresses out of their hair tie and back where it belongs: in full sight. I?ll never forget the first time I saw him. We met at a party. The first thing I saw was that hair! I immediately asked a friend nearby who the new guy was. She said she didn?t know, but Angel would. So I wandered over to Angel and inquired.

Angel said he was new here. He had just arrived from Michigan. Well, isn?t that nice? Next thing you know he has my phone number. Isn?t life sweet? Now that we live together, he promises never to cut his hair. I?ll hold him to it, too. If he ever wants to break up with me, all he has to do is cut that hair and I?m outta here. He won?t, though. I was careful. He loves his long hair as much as I love mine.

We go out to the beach and put those tresses up in a ponytail. Slide it aside to apply suntan lotion and we are set. We?ll wash it later. I?ll sometimes put mine up in a bun, okay, but it comes down the minute I?m off the beach.

Are you one of us? Do you love your long hair summer or winter? I see that you are. It?s really beautiful that way.

About this author -
Christy Mettarod went into hair styling right out of college. She has been styling hair for 30 years. You can read more articles about hair at Your Hair.

Swelling After Facial Procedures

The makeover shows on television have resulted in a significant upswing in the popularity of facial plastic surgery procedures. They often fail to show, however, the swelling afterwards.

Swelling After Facial Procedures

Choosing to have plastic surgery is always a big step. More people are deciding to have this permanent form of cosmetic change due to the aging population and the amount of Hollywood stars that talk about their procedures. An especially popular form of plastic surgery for women and men over 40 are facial procedures. Here are a few things that you can expect when going in for yours.

Keep in mind that there are many different types of plastic surgeries for the face that can be performed. There are upper and lower lifts. There are also laser treatments, which are also known as laser skin resurfacing. The goal of all facial procedures is to correct issues on the face that can happen as a person ages. Sagging skin, wrinkles, jowls and deep cheek folds are all issues that traditional surgeries can correct, while laser procedures tend to target smaller skin imperfections such as small wrinkles.

A facial procedure is usually performed by a board certified plastic surgeon under general anesthesia. Cuts are made into the skin at the hairline, and the underlying tissue and muscle is pulled taut. This gives the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance. Sometimes, excess skin is also removed from the facial area. All of this work can be done on an outpatient basis. Patients are often up and moving around very soon.

If you have a full or partial surgery, you are going to have to deal with some discomfort afterwards. Swelling will be a part of this and you have to have reasonable expectations. You are not going to come out of surgery and immediately look great. The adjustment of muscles, fatty tissue and skin is going to get a reaction from the body. Swelling will be prominent immediately after the procedure as the body forces blood into the area to help with the healing. Frankly, your face will look like a balloon. After a few weeks, however, the swelling should seriously abate. This will let you get a better idea of the final look. That being said, some minor swelling can last as long as 10 months, so you have to be patient.

Having plastic surgery on your face requires significant surgical invasion into muscles, skin and fatty material. The body is going to act to heal itself by pushing blood into the area. This will result in swelling on a large scale. Don?t panic when you see yourself for the first time after the surgery. The swelling will go down with time.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

Sensitive Areas Hair Free for Weeks? A Beauty Consultant Reveals How

Epilady epilators are made with the woman in mind. Their wonderful epilators were created for the contours and curves of your body that will leave even those sensitive areas hair free for four to six weeks and remove the small ugly hairs that all women hate.

Epilady's most popular new design is the New Discrette Compact. This is the smallest and most efficient epilator on the market today in my opinion. It is fast, smooth and quieter than others that you may have tried in the past. It really shows how epilators have improved over the years. The design is great for removing unwanted hair at practically any angle. You will be amazed at how this compact epilator will remove even the finest of hairs right from the root. The wide epilating head will remove hair smoothly and comfortably. It has two operating speeds, has an ergonomic design for easier handling, and come complete with its own carrying case, cleaning brush and power cord.

Many women I know prefer the Epilady Duet, 2-in-1 Epilator and Shaver. This 2 in 1 system gives you the ability to change from epilator to shaver by just flipping it over to the other side. This is the newest design that gives you all the hair removal system you will ever need in one handy design. It has 40 tweezer discs on the epilator head that will give you a faster and more efficient hair removal system. This system is safe to use all on your sensitive skin including face, legs, underarms and your bikini line. The ergonomic design provides a non-slip design hold to aid in the comfort of removing unwanted hair.

Keep watching Epilady for new designs for comfort and pain reducing ways to remove unwanted hair for longer periods of time. They are constantly finding new ways to improve these wonderful products so we can feel confident and wear anything we want without those ugly small hairs growing back quickly.

As a beauty consultant Nicola Kennedy is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for Epilator Resources, Views and Information to help you choose the Best Epilator for you.

Copyright ? All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Brushes with Greatness

Your best and least expensive tools are your very own fingers. How do you use them appropriately and effectively for a natural looking makeup application? First and foremost, wash your hands! You can easily transfer bacteria onto your face causing breakouts or worse, you might transfer bacteria directly into the makeup causing it to grow and multiply. Yuck. Use a delicate, gentle touch, especially around your eyes and avoid tugging or pulling your skin.

Brushes are the second best tools to complete your makeup tool-kit. Invest in a good set of various brushes for cheeks, eyes, brows and lips. Look for brushes that are soft to ensure a gentle application. Brushes provide the least harmful way to transfer makeup to the face.

Brush Types: Powder Brush-The largest brush in the set. It is used to blend or to apply loose powder and cheek color. It can also be used to soften the foundation coverage.

Cheek Color Brush-Also a large fluffy brush. If possible, try to avoid using the brush that comes with the compact. Typically those brushes are too small and hard, leaving streaks of color on the face. Using a larger brush will help you blend for a more natural look.

Eye Shadow Brushes-There are several types of eye color brushes. However, two simple brushes are probably all you will need. One that is slightly slanted for application in the crease and another for applying color to the entire lid.

Lip Brush-A brush is a great way to use up the last bit of your favorite lipstick. You can also precisely cover your lips without disturbing the lip liner. A small retractable lip brush can be very handy to keep in your purse. Many brands of lip balm come in small jars or tins, requiring you to use your fingers for application. However, if your hands not particularly clean, you run the risk of contaminating the product and transferring bacteria to your lips.

Eyebrow Brush-Used to keep your eyebrows under control. Try applying a little clear mascara to keep your eyebrows in place. A fuller brow is ?in? now, but we don?t want you looking like a mad scientist. Just follow the arch that nature has already provided you. Clean up the stray hairs under you brow and above the bridge of your nose.

Caring for your brushes:

You probably know what I am going to tell you by now. You must wash your brushes regularly. Gently and carefully wash with warm water and mild dish soap or baby shampoo. Wash the bristles only. Never soak the brushes as that might loosen the glue that holds them together. Rinse until the water runs clean. Let the brushes air dry standing up in a cup. (Laying them down on a tissue will leave dampness on the area facing down and may pick up tissue particles.)

Have a great day!

Dawn Hull Professional Skin Care Consultant

Sign up to receive a FREE monthly beauty newsletter: Beaut-e-News - Discover what's new, what's now ? what's changing the face of makeup and skin care! You'll find beauty secrets revealed and tips and techniques that will help you look your beautiful best. Click here to register:

Top Secrets for Healthy and Beautiful Life

There are some effective tips to keep your body in a good mood both in terms of health and beauty. The following techniques are some examples of doing so easily.

Ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun may harm the body by increasing the risk of skin cancer if one gets excessive amount of sunshine in a little time. Despite its benefits, some type of sun rays have been proved to be harmful for skin. It may even trigger early aging, which is one of the most frequent ailments people suffer from today.

Another substantial aspect of this issue to get protected from harmful sun rays at utmost extent. Sometimes, driving a car cannot prevent UV rays from drafting into the body. In order to avoid such risks, sun screens must be used. Degree of harm of UV rays may change according to the daytime or altitude.

High places usually are at higher risk of making one prone to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. For this reason, careful observation is needed when sun screens are to be purchased. Quality brands whose products protect the body from the different types of harmful rays should be preferred.

Daily water consumption is another factor in keeping the skin healthy and fresh.However, this should not be confused with consuming large amounts of liquid incorporating water in them. Harmful materials used in the production of such liquids affect the body health directly and usually dramatically. People who want to keep healthy and beautiful should take this into account.

Accessories are one of the most striking parts helping one to gain some popularity regarding his/her look. For instance, the type of eyeglasses is vital since its frames should not cover the entire eyes, but they should complement the facial look. Sometimes, switching to contact lenses can be considered as a good idea because they are more practical to use. Different colours may help one to get a new and more attractive look.

Still another technique to employ is not to wear high heeled shoes for long hours in a day. Various illnesses have been found to be caused by this type of mistake. One should try her best to choose looking sexy and living healthier. In fact, there is a reasonable solution to this intriguing problem such that both of these concerns are satisfied. One may try wearing wide and healthier shoes while working and she could switch to high heels when she is attending an important occasion. So as to avoid health problems, one must alter her interests and instant desires a little.

Woman's hair has a great importance in that it gives woman a different look when cut differently. In order to be consistent with this issue, hair stylists must be static; i.e, one should not switch too many hairdresser's in a few months. Having the hair cut by a well known person may be very good for the future life of the person.

In conclusion, beauty is likely to be the most important feature for the woman on the world today, and its importance means much more than it did in the past. Therefore, women should perform extra effort to keep their skin healthy and look fresh so as not to attract the males in whose dreams they live.

Find more articles of this author at Article Drop Directory and Plain Health

Natural Mineral Makeup a Natural Alternative to Greasy Makeup

Mineral Makeup is a natural alternative to acne causing and pore clogging oil based makeups that dominate the market. Cosmetics are big business, but just because something costs more doesn't mean it's better for your skin. Every liquid you put on your skin is absorbed into the skin and goes directly into the blood stream. Think about that next time you pull out your liquid foundation and apply it to your skin.

The process by which a substance is absorbed into the blood via the skin is called transdermal delivery. It is one of the fastest ways to get something into the blood in a concentrated form. Many drugs are delivered by applying a skin creme or skin patch that contains that drug to areas of the skin that absorb it readily. The face is one of those places.

Transdermal delivery is so effective in fact that many drug companies offer their drugs in some kind of creme or patch for an effective means of dispensing the drug into the blood without getting a shot or taking a pill. It actually takes the body longer to absorb something through the digestive system and get that substance into the blood than it does to apply it directly to the skin. This is something you need to consider when you buy makeup. Read the labels carefully, and if you aren't interested in putting dies, chemicals and preservatives into your blood you may want to consider an alternative form of makeup.

Oil and other chemicals, dies and preservatives not only absorb into your skin, but they also clog your pores, which then build up sebum under the clog and cause acne. Oil based makeups are simply not good for your skin in any way. Naturall many people have turned to mineral makeup as a safe and natural alternative to commercial makeup. Why?

First mineral makeup is made from all natural minerals that come from the earth. Most of them are a combination of the minerals mica, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are natural sun blocking agents and are used in almost every over the counter sun block lotion you buy. They are also water proof so the staying power of mineral makeup is usually all day with little or no touch up needed.

The minerals used to make the makeup are very finely milled into a powder that is so fine that it blends very well into the skin and looks very natural. The vast range of colors availiable in the minerals make it possible for mineral makeup manufacturers to offer many different colors. Every concievable color has been made from blush, eyeshadows, lipsticks, and foundation in hundreds of shades. It's easy to buy two or three different foundation shades and blend them for a custom color. The minerals blend very easily together.

The minerals are also milled so fine that they won't clog your pores, and if some of them do manage to get into the blood stream, remember they're all natural and they're minerals. They are completely safe for the body. Many doctors and dermatologists have proclaimed mineral makeup as the skin care makeup because it is so healthy for the skin and does not aggrivate acne and it covers blemishes, acne, large pores, and scars very effectively.

If you're interested in a safe and natural alternative to chemical, oil and preservative laden makeup, minerals may be something for you to look in to.

Find more Natural Mineral Makeup information at Get the facts, ingredients, and benefits as well as advice about which brands are the best.

Synthetic Wig Care Professional Secrets

Synthetic wigs are very easy to care for. You don?t need to restyle your wig after each washing, like you would with a human-hair wig. However, it is important to point out that human-hair shampoos and other care products are unsuitable for synthetic wigs. Even the mildest shampoo that you might use on your own hair is too strong for the synthetic fibers used in a wig. The same can be said about hair styling mousses, sprays and gels - don?t attempt to use them on your synthetic wig.

Instead, use shampoos, conditioners and hairsprays specially formulated for synthetic wigs. Raquel Welch, Revlon, and Tress Allure produce wide ranges of wig care products, and all of these brands work well with any synthetic wig. Most websites that sell wigs offer wig accessories, too, so it is smart to pick a wig shampoo, conditioner and spray when you order your wig.

Another thing to remember is that synthetic wigs cannot be styled with curling irons, hot rollers or blow dryers. In fact, any heat can destroy your wig, so be careful to keep it away from lamps, ovens, etc. Most synthetic wigs are already prestyled but, if you want to add a bit of personality to it, you can use a mousse that is specially formulated for synthetic wigs and style it with your fingers.

Washing synthetic wigs - step by step

A synthetic wig doesn?t need to be washed very often - after 10 or 12 wears is usually enough. Still, you might have to wash your wig more often if you use a lot of spray or mousse on it. Every washing shortens the life of your wig, so our advice is try not to use excessive styling products on it, and don?t wash your wig until it looks like it needs to be washed.

1. Remove tangles with your fingers and gently brush your wig. The only exception is wigs that are very curly - don?t attempt to brush them

2. Fill a basin with cool water (hot water can damage your wig), mix a little bit of synthetic wig shampoo into it and place your wig in the water. Leave it to soak for about 5 minutes.

3. Swirl your wig around in the water, but don?t rub the fibers

4. Rinse your wig under running water

5. Shake excess water off your wig and spread it on a towel to dry. Alternatively, you can put it on a wig stand. If you have wig conditioner, put it on the wig and gently work it through the strands with your fingers. Remember you can?t use blow dryer on a synthetic wig, so place your wig in a warm room with good ventilation and let it dry naturally

6. Brush your wig when it is completely dry and it is ready to wear again. Again, don?t brush wigs that are very curly.

As you can see, caring for a synthetic wig is really easy. And having a wig or several differently styled wigs can really help you to change your look in an instant.

Tanya Turner is wig and hair extensions expert and a publisher of, an online wig, hair extensions and hairstyle magazine, where you can find information, reviews and pictures of wigs and hair extensions

Different Types Of Spas

We are usually willing to spend lots of money on clothes, food, traveling and luxuries of life. However, making a trip to the spa and spending money on the treatments available there is something we are rather reluctant to spend money on. The well being of our body is something that has to have a priority in life. So it is actually not a waste spending some money on the treatments in the spa if you are going to get refreshed and rejuvenated after the treatments.

A visit to a spa, even for just an afternoon for a simple massage gives amazing effects to our state of mind. We feel relaxed and happier and can face the hassles of life in a better way. So it is actually worth it making a trip to a spa at least in our lives. However, choosing the right spa for the right treatment proves to be a great task. You have to first have a target to reach for through the treatments in the spa. This is because there are different types of spas that cater to your different needs like relaxation, conditioning, rejuvenation, etc.

There are basically four types of spas. The first is the spa that caters to the wellness of the client. This is for people who have an eventful medical history and treatments are vested after discussions with the client?s licensed health care specialists. Most of the people visiting these spas for treatments are persons recovering from operations and people trying to quit smoking or alcohol. Treatments are administered to the patients according to the case.

The second type of spa is those that take the fitness of the client into consideration. They are specially designed for those who want to relax. Activities like aerobics and outdoor sports are provided here for better physical fitness and relaxation for the client. So this spa is better for the person who is more playful at heart. They enjoy this program because of the chance they are given of learning more activities in the spa.

The third type of spa is the holistic spa. The main reason people join this spa is to learn more about spirituality. This is the best place to head to for to learn more about self-realization. There are different meditation techniques taught here and these treatments come from different cultures and beliefs like the Chinese Tai Chi meditation.

The fourth and the more famous spa is the day spa. People who visit these spas are usually the ones who are more beauty-conscious. Making a visit to these spas gives the client an opportunity to beautify themselves and to relax themselves too. There are different types of treatments that are provided in the day spa that help to relax you and beautify you at the same time like mud packs, sauna baths, massages and yoga. In fact, the day spa is the place the bride and bridegroom head for a few days before the great day!

So making a visit to any form of a spa is greatly suggested. You feel withdrawn from the usual monotonous routine here in the spa, and greatly rejuvenated when you leave it!

Find more about spa covers and spa chemicals and many other spa resources on

Yet More Hair Care Myths The Truth And The Lies

Those hair care myths just keep coming! In this third of 3 articles, we examine some of the most widely known myths - and dig out the truth?

1. Hair should be washed every day

FALSE: There is no correct schedule for washing hair. Every person should shampoo according to the specific needs of their hair type and texture. While some people do benefit from a daily shampoo, others benefit from a variety of shampooing schedules.

2. More lather = a more effective shampoo = cleaner hair

FALSE: Lathering agents are often added to shampoos, but more foam doesn't mean cleaner hair.

3. Hair develops immunity to the same shampoo over time

FALSE: There is no scientific evidence to prove this myth.

4. Brushing your hair is better than combing it

FALSE: Actually, your hair reacts better to a comb than a brush. Brushing it will only lead to split ends and hair breakage.

5. Split ends can be repaired without trimming

FALSE: The only successful treatment for removing split ends is with a scissors. Some hair care products may temporarily merge split ends together, but this only lasts until your next shampoo. Always remember that damaged ends tend to grow slower than healthy, well-maintained, trimmed hair.

6. Coloring hair during pregnancy is harmful

FALSE (PROBABLY): Some physicians disagree, but most believe that coloring the hair during pregnancy is not dangerous to the baby. When in doubt always get your physician?s permission to color your hair during pregnancy. Most experts believe that the key danger with hair coloring is not the application of the product to the scalp but the inhalation of the strong chemical odor.

7. Virgin root hair should be treated differently

TRUE: The hair that is closest to the roots reacts differently to the application of new hair color and chemical treatments. Hair color applied directly to the roots will process differently that color applied on hair that has already been treated.

8. Lemon juice will bleach hair blonde

FALSE: Some naturally light haired people may notice a slight lightening or brightening after prolonged sun exposure soaked in lemon juice, but most people wont not see any obvious change in their hair lightness or brightness.

9. A sunburnt scalp can lead to hair loss

TRUE: Severe sunburn or a series of burns that occur over time may damage delicate hair follicles at the root level. People with a genetic predisposition towards hair loss may accelerate the onset of hair loss activity. Avoid scalp burns by applying sun protection products to your scalp along with your hair.

10. For thick, shiny hair, eat a diet that's rich in iron and protein

FALSE: Iron deficiency can cause hair loss, but dermatologists say the reverse is not true: eating extra iron will not give you thick hair. In fact, overloading on iron can cause serious health problems (the correct amount for optimal health is about 15 milligrams a day for a woman). The same thing is true with protein. Dermatologists say protein-deficiency will cause lackluster skin and brittle hair. It's important to get enough protein, but eating more than normal won't make hair any shinier.

11. Wearing hats causes hair loss

FALSE: In order for the hair to fall out, the hat would have to be so tight that it cuts circulation to the follicles. Milliners can breathe a collective sigh of relief!

12. Hormones are not related to hair loss

TRUE: Although hormonal imbalance can cause temporary hair loss, as is common with women after pregnancy, the important thing to remember is that the hair will grow back.

13. Swimming pool chemicals can turn hair green

TRUE: Frequent swimmers with natural blonde or chemically highlighted hair that is extremely porous may experience the development of green tints and shades over time. This problem can be prevented with regular use of moisturizing shampoo and conditioners that provides a natural barrier to chlorine and related chemicals.

14. Hair grows faster on different parts of the head

TRUE: There is some scientific evidence that the growth rate of hair may vary on different parts of the head for select people. There is also some indication that the growth rate of hair on babies may be faster on the crown than on any other parts of the scalp. Usually the growth rate differences are very marginal and will not impact the hair appearance in any way.


Heard another myth about hair? Do your research ? ask an expert! This doesn?t include your grandmother, best friend or local barmaid. Instead, talk to an experienced hairdresser or a trichologist. Always get the real facts before you act on any hair myths ? you owe it to your hair.

Michael Barrows
(With thanks to Daniel Mcullough and Karen M. Shelton)

Michael Barrows is a web publisher specialing in niche marketing. Pick up his FREE ebook (Nearly)Everything You Should Know About Hairstyles and Hair Care at his website;

Easy Recipe For Clear Skin During Summer Months

Here's a great recipe for a toner/astringent that I love to use every summer- it's especially great for combination skin. It helps clear pores from sweat, dirt, and other ickies, yet still offers some nice moisturizing benefits for a nice glow. It also feels really nice and refreshing!

  • 1/2 cup witch hazel
  • 1/4 cup water (Tea, especially green or chamomile, is even better!)
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 5 drops natural vegetable glycerine
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2-3 drops peppermint essential oil

Just shake it all up really well in a small bottle. When you're ready to use it, just dab some on a cotton ball and gently wipe your face clean. Couldn't be easier!

You can adjust the essential oils to more or less, depending on your skin type. I find it's best to use in between face washings as a freshening up. I noticed sometimes using a toner or astringent right after washing your face can create an imbalance in skin that can dry it out too much - sometimes within an hour it can retaliate and be more oily than it was before! (Especially during the summer heat!)

Don't forget- sometimes half the fun in homemade beauty recipes is is being creative. If you'd like, don't be afraid to try your own unique variations!

You can visit Lisa Chambers' website at for more free information, recipes, and tips based on natural or crafty point of views.

Makeup Artist Tricks of the Trade Skincare Advice and Makeup for Your Wedding or Special Event

Skincare - in preparation to your wedding this should be an essential part of your planning its just as important as choosing the right venue or dress, as all eyes will be on you and your bridal party so you want to look and feel great!

There are so many products out there that we are bombarded with choice. A salon is usually a good place to start as you can talk to someone who has specifically trained in skincare and will use a high quality range of products.

If you?re not doing it already cleansing and toning the skin is an important step in maintaining a healthy skin. Soaps tend to dry the skin out and are a fantastic breeding ground for bacteria, so avoid using on your skin and go for a gentler option such as a foaming face wash or face wipes if you want a quick cleanse.

Along with this, part of your everyday ritual should include twice daily moisturising even if your skin is oily you still should use a good moisturiser but one with a mattifying effect, which can help to control excess sebum production.

The day before the wedding make sure you exfoliate the skin so there is a good base to work on. Exfoliating gets rid of excess dead skin cells which cling to the surface and prevent your products from doing their job as effectively. Your makeup will look much better on a smoother skin. Makeup - Choosing the right makeup is the next step.

What colours should you get and what will last?

I would always recommend using a qualified beauty therapist/makeup artist for your wedding as from experience many brides have found it a great help. A trial should be offered so you can view the products and the makeup will be applied therefore you can see what the finished look will be for your special day. A general rule that older members of the bridal party such as the mother of the bride should go for a light base nothing too heavy which may draw attention to fine lines and matte eye shadows. The bride can choose from many different looks, matte and flawless, the dewy look for a healthy natural appearance. When having the makeup done on the day it is fun and helps your morning run smoothly so when you are all made up you feel confident and ready to go.

If you decide to do your own makeup then you can have a makeup lesson to learn some of the tricks of the trade. Here are just a few, use a daker blusher in a tan colour under the cheekbones to lift them and make them appear higher and deeper ( I call this the cheekbone effect. Apply eyeshadow with a damp brush for longer wear and stronger colour for precise application. The best foundation I have come across during my time as a makeup artist has such a flawless finish but doesn?t look heavy or caked, it covers redness and is also water resistant. A foundation like this is ideal for brides as being perspiration proof when you get hot in the evening dancing the night away your skin will still look perfect.

If booking a makeup artist always plan ahead these services get booked quite far in advance as do popular venues and other wedding services. Have fun preparing for your wedding and its a great excuse to get on top of a good skincare regime.

Lucy Orrey fully qualified beauty therapist/mobile makeup artist to Surrey and west Sussex RIPHH BTEC ND BABTAC For more advice , products available, wedding packages and treatments visit

6 Steps To Clearer Skin

Well, I?m writing this because I know there are millions of people out there with an acne problem that seems to not go away. Yes, if you?re like me you have tried all of the popular products. But, what if I told you that in order to have clear skin you don?t have to spend hundreds of dollars every month. Actually, you may not have to spend any money.

So, with all that said here is my simple 6 Steps To Clearer Skin (Yes, this is what I am doing to help my skin clear):

1. Drink lots of purified water. Look, many of us with acne problems continue to drinks all of these sodas that have a lot of acid, colors, etc. Soda can really mess up the face. Leave all sodas and other drinks on the market alone and stick to only purified water. Try these waters - Poland Springs, Volvic, Penta (expensive), Smart Water, or Dasani. Water does wonders to the body!

2. Drink lots of Green Tea (at least 1 to 2 times a day). Green Tea has many antioxidants that will help in decreasing your acne problems. Try purchasing the Celestial Seasonings Green Tea.

3. Eliminate any and all fried foods or greasy foods from your diet. Yes, I know many dermatologists will disagree with this. What I have found is that when I stopped eating fried or greasy foods my face automatically started clearing and improving to the point where I was receiving compliments almost everyday. Fried food carries too much grease that can cause big pimples to form in your face. Also many fast food places use old grease over and over again. Old or reused grease is one big block in your way if you?re trying to get clear skin. Not Good!

4. Eat a lot of vegetables (raw organic baby spinach is wonderful) and fruits everyday. Yeah I know you heard this before, but some of you are still not doing it. Vegetables and fruits alone. Many vegetables and fruits have antioxidants and vitamins that can help in healing and clearing the skin.

5. Use pure vitamin E oil (use the Nature?s Gate Brand) for your face. I am telling you, it will make your look good in about two to three months. Vitamin E oil has all the healing and antioxidant properties to help in clearing your skin. Apply to your face every night before going to bed.

6. Eliminate all stress. I know for some, stress can result in many breakouts on the face. Some individuals are not good at dealing with stress. You know what, let the stress go!

Enjoy these steps and take your time. Give yourself 3 to 6 months to see actual improvements in your skin. For these steps to work properly, please add each step to your daily routine. Each step must be performed on a daily basis. Consult your local dermatologist if you have any worries.

Celebrities Who Suffer From Acne Do They Really Exist

Is there any such thing as a celebrity who suffers from acne?

At first, it seems not? but that is only a myth - there really are celebrities out there who suffer from acne!

Many people envy those who have achieved celebrity status. They are viewed as rich and powerful? glamorous and sometimes even a little super-human.

When you see them on television, in movies or in the glossy magazines the men always look ruggedly handsome and the women look stunningly beautiful.

Seldom are we given the chance to see these celebrities, in the comfort and privacy of their own homes, as they wake up in the mornings. No doubt the envious population would change their options somewhat knowing that almost no one is particularly glamorous at that time of day.

Cosmetics, technology and advanced photo editing methods can easily make people look younger, thinner and magically cover up flaws such as freckles, scars and acne. This is just what the producers of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have had to do.

All three adolescent stars - Daniel Radcliffe who plays Harry Potter, 15. Rupert Grint who plays Ron Weasley, 17 and Emma Watson 15, who plays Hermione Granger - have broken out with acne forcing the film makers of Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire to use special effects to hide their skin imperfections.

Celebrities deal with the same problems the rest of us do, acne being one of them. Britney Spears, Judith Light, Stephanie Seymour and Elle Macpherson have all publicly discussed how they have suffered from and corrected their acne problem.

By doing so, they have not only helped themselves, but millions of other acne sufferers around the world - they are positive proof that acne treatments work.

Your acne problem won?t be gone overnight, it will take time. But as you begin to see an improvement in your condition it is quite possible that you will begin to feel like a celebrity, too!

Acne Information :: Elaine Clay is the owner of Acne Treatments - get information, tips and articles to help you find proven and effective acne solutions that treat your condition safely and naturally

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